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Fusion Ideas Portal


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Notify when a document reminder is due

I want to be notified when a patient is due for a progress note or re-assessment document when I open their daily note or check in their appointment so I don't have to keep checking the Document Reminders page.
Guest 10 months ago in Docs 1 Future consideration
193 VOTE

Customize documentation

Allow me to create templates for evaluation-type documents so the same sections will be displayed every time. Or, allow me to customize my documentation further by allowing me to create evaluation sections.
Guest over 6 years ago in Docs 36 Future consideration
130 VOTE

Submit claims with attachments

Allow me the option to submit a claim with attachments, such as the supporting documentation (e.g. document, home activities). Sending this information all together will save time and reduce potential mistakes with mismatching items.
Guest over 6 years ago in Docs 10 Future consideration

Create alternative documents in Fusion

Add a different documentation template (e.g. a blank template) that I can use to write other documentation such as letters of medical necessity, consultations, doctor's orders, or meeting notes. Some of these are billable services but don't fit in...
Guest over 6 years ago in Docs 21 Future consideration

Track physician signatures on the Plan of Care

Allow me a way to track if we have received a signed POC from a physician. We need to make sure physicians sign our POCs and there's no way to track that in Fusion.
Guest about 6 years ago in Docs 9 Future consideration

View screens side-by-side

I want the ability to view two screens at once for ease and efficiency. Currently, when click the Goals button from a document, the Goals screen appears on top of the document template. In this case, I want the Goals screen and the document templa...
Guest over 2 years ago in Docs 2 Future consideration

Edit Fusion's evaluation sections

Allow me to edit the evaluation sections that Fusion has created under Findings/Performance Skills and Areas of Occupation/Functional Measures so that we can customize them to fit our practice.
Guest about 6 years ago in Docs 6 Future consideration

Don't require daily notes for evaluation appointments

Eliminate the need to write a daily note for an evaluation or progress note appointment. It is redundant since both of those appointments require a report/document already.
Guest over 6 years ago in Docs 12 Future consideration

Allow IPA (phonetic) symbols

Allow me to insert IPA symbols into my documentation.
Guest over 6 years ago in Docs 10 Future consideration

Re-order goals

When creating, adding, or editing goals, allow me to rearrange the goals so I can specify the order in which they are displayed.
Guest over 6 years ago in Docs 17 Future consideration