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Edit Fusion's evaluation sections

Allow me to edit the evaluation sections that Fusion has created under Findings/Performance Skills and Areas of Occupation/Functional Measures so that we can customize them to fit our practice.
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    • Guest
      Jun 20, 2024
      We should be able to use the form building tools already built into Fusion to create our own customized evaluation templates. Many other EMRs have this. I really appreciate the custom intake paperwork addition and I'm hoping this can be added soon.
    • Guest
      Aug 20, 2022
      Following up to my own suggestion :) I like the new templates in the Findings section; however, the organization is not always evidence-based. For example, language does not divide into receptive versus expressive. It divides into Sound/Word level and Sentence/Discourse (Nelson et al 2022). Evaluation reports are a huge part of my branding because families share these reports with other professionals who then go on to refer to me. I want a highly customizable documentation system. I want to be able to take the templates you created (which are very helpful as a base) and be able to delete certain fields, add fields, etc. Right now I'm having to download into Word and reformat and move things around to create the tables how I want them. A lot of extra time. I would also like to create my own. Basically, I want the functionality from the Tests & Measures section.
    • Guest
      May 20, 2022
      Need a bank for administrators to customize evaluation sections such as for the fine motor section so that when my staff pulls up the fine motor section, my preferred options are already visible. So if I want my staff to always comment on ability to "isolate fingers" I would like it to automatically show in the fine motor section without having to choose from a drop down box or type it in every time.
    • Guest
      Aug 25, 2020
      In the Findings section of the evaluation, give the option to "ADD" as many lines as needed with the dropdowns. There are many great ideas in there and would love to use more of them, but we are often limited to just 3-5. Also would be great if we can add our own typical "Findings" that apply to our practice (e.g. We specialize in Childhood Apraxia of Speech so many of our findings are different than other clinics).
    • Guest
      Nov 6, 2019
      Be able to to remove items from parts of assessment template if not used frequently.
    • Guest
      Jul 2, 2019
      Allow me to add fields to Fusion's evaluation sections.