Allow me to create templates for evaluation-type documents so the same sections will be displayed every time. Or, allow me to customize my documentation further by allowing me to create evaluation sections.
It is extremely disappointing that there is no way to customize templates for documentation and evaluation reports. My Early Intervention contract has VERY specific documentation requirements and my previous EMR allowed me to set up the documentation to meet their requirements. With such a wide variety of services and specific clinic needs, this seems like a tremendous oversight. Even much cheaper EMR options allow for documentation customization.
I agree to make all documents customizable as well as headers of sections!
A checklist for the strengths, performance impairments
Being able to add and customize the evaluation sections
Need to be able to make it fit for our clinic.
Oral motor sections ways to long!
I agree to make all documents customizable as well as headers of sections!
A checklist for the strengths, performance impairments
Being able to add and customize the evaluation sections
Need to be able to make it fit for our clinic.
Oral motor sections are way to long!
Please make all documents customizable as well as headers of sections! Making a tamplate creater for -Daily notes, evaluations, progress reports, and assessments- within the admin side will make everyones reports tailored to our very unique clinic setup without all the extra unnecessary boxes .
We are so excited about the plan for customization of evals, progress reports, etc. We are wondering if there is a potential way to customize daily notes or to add a template for a different type of note. We run therapy camps for kids and the type of note we'd like to use is quite different than the SOAP note style.
Currently in Admin I can set "defaults" for patient history in evaluations. Make this an option for all sections i.e. Gross Motor Performance, Fine Motor Performance, Child Sensory Profile etc so that the evaluation template is already built before documentation begins - allow admins to select which sections therapists should be filling out with each evaluation.
Creating a 'template' for evaluation populations that will automatically pull forward sections frequently used for that type of eal (i.e. early intervention evaluation or sensory eval) for quicker POS doc with eval so not having to reselect each area each time.
Give clinics flexibility to change a heading. For example my clinic would like a heading that says clinical observations. Under that we would like a section on behavioral observations, play observations, language sample etc.
We are moving away from "parent education" to "parent coaching" is this something we can change in the heading of reports? Are there ways to change the headers of sections to be worded differently?
We would like to have an evaluation subset. This way we could have different evaluation forms set. One for Preschool, one for school age language, one for Fluency, one for AAC etc. Is there any way we can do this. It would facilitate the evaluation process considerably.
Allow some customization of evaluation sections. Specifically, I'd like to have the ability to have certain sections auto-populate with information that can be edited.
When completing a Speech Therapy eval/progress note, is there a way to edit the "Articulation/Phonological: Articulation" setting to customize the order of phonemes listed?
Our auditors need to be able to see a set of specific objective info, immediately on opening a SOAP note. We are currently recording this data under Subjective.
This is problematic for therapists bc it's not correct and belongs with Objective info, and also for the auditors, who don't want to read or search through lengthy notes to find this set of statements.
Can you please help us by adding an empty box, or one labeled Notes or Format or Background at the very beginning of the SOAP note template?
It is extremely disappointing that there is no way to customize templates for documentation and evaluation reports. My Early Intervention contract has VERY specific documentation requirements and my previous EMR allowed me to set up the documentation to meet their requirements. With such a wide variety of services and specific clinic needs, this seems like a tremendous oversight. Even much cheaper EMR options allow for documentation customization.