Don't require daily notes for evaluation appointments
Eliminate the need to write a daily note for an evaluation or progress note appointment. It is redundant since both of those appointments require a report/document already.
we find it unnecessary to have a daily note , but if it is easier, then prefill the note with info from the evaluation. it is double work to place this data into the daily note and given that the billing is tied to the daily note, then the note would need to stand alone in the case of an audit
I think it would be nice to have the billing codes in the evaluation reports and the progress notes so that, if a therapist does the evaluation or progress report alone without an assistant, they do not have to write both an evaluation report or progress note plus write a separate daily note for billing purposes. If a therapist did an evaluation or progress note with an assistant, the therapist could leave the billing code part blank in the progress note and the assistant could bill in their daily note. But if the therapist does an evaluation or progress note session alone, it would be really nice not to have to write two different notes for one session.
I vote NO to this idea! I like having a quick note confirming an evaluation was completed or still in progress) and any snafus that may have happened as a SOAP that is quickly added to the doc list, rather than waiting for the full eval to be entered--especially important if an eval is being completed over several sessions which happens with some of complex or fragile kids. I use an Eval "activity list" and check off all components completed. Quick phrases for the assessment, unless it is something unusual--it usually refers back to the eval for specific details, and a general plan (therapy recommended). Very quick to write up!
PLEASE integrate progress notes into daily notes so that we don't have to complete entirely 2 separate notes! Or, at least allow the ability to use a progress note in place of a daily note if they are both scheduled the same day. It would also be nice if there could be an option to select assessment tables/forms to be used in daily notes.
If you do this, please make it optional. We use the signed daily note to indicate that the appointment did occur when we are calculating billable hours for payroll. It will mess us up if the eval report can take a week to write and it goes over a pay period.
Eliminate the need for a daily note for evaluation and progress note appointments. It is redundant to have to write a daily note for them when I am writing a full report. Plus I am unable to bill for a progress note. If the daily note is needed for billing purposes, perhaps there could be a different protocol for evaluations and progress notes.
When completing an evaluation type document, allow me to submit charges through the document rather than generating a daily note and submitting charges through the daily note. The daily note isn't necessary to complete.