We would love to see a little cake next to child's name on the week of their bday.
We would also love to hover over a child's name to see their age.
Please and thank you!
Is it possible to make an alert on a kids name when they have a session scheduled the same day as their birthday? It would help the therapists remember and include special birthday activities into session. Thank you!
Have a birthday icon or something show up on their appointment on the scheduler if they have a birthday that week. Please don't put it only if they have a birthday on day they are seen. We would like to acknowledge their birthday at session even if we don't see them on actual birthday.
Have something on task manager (preferred method) of a list of clients with birthdays that month or have an insight where we can view birthdays by the month (currently you can only order them by the year which makes it impossible to scan and see who's birthday is coming up).