Print quick phrases or copy & paste into excel/word
Allow me to print the bank of quick phrases our clinic uses or allow me to copy and paste the quick phrases into Excel/Word so that I can give a copy to all of my therapists.
Quick phrases are very difficult to effectively share and use right now. You need admin privileges to update them and you have to know what they are to use them, but it is hard to share/search them. At a minimum, we need the ability to print them to share with staff. Preferred would be the ability to download them. Adding a filtering feature would also be extremely helpful. In my ideal world, I wouldn't have to give Admin privileges to therapists I want to be able to add Quick Phrases? (Maybe an on/off toggle in the User profile like there is for scheduling so each clinic can decide for each staff member.)
There needs to be a download button and filters by service type on the quick phrases page so we can easily share the list of quick phrases with new therapists.
It would be nice to be able to print an active patient list that includes the patients date of birth, payor and member ID. this would make it so easy when having to make calls regarding claims, and with verifying insurance monthly.
I can get a partial list under verification reminders (expiring) because i can only make a screen shot.
Also with quick phrases, it would be nice to be able to print it to have a ledger of them for easy access of the phrase to type in when documenting
Is this an old comment? I'm a new fusion user, and I did this... Printing from fusion directly would have been nice, but pasting into excel gave me options to add some information and sort things while we were onboarding.