Allow me to use quick phrases in the text/data boxes of standardized tests. For text fields that may require a descriptive word or phrase (e.g. Below Average), quick phrases would save time from having to type those out.
We need to be able to use quick phrases in the comment boxes on standardized tests. Our OT's type "Typical Performance" "Probably Difference" and "Definite Difference" in these spots so we created quick phrases for them to use on the standardized however the Comment boxes are not pulling up the quick phrases. They have tried using these on the Sensory Profile, the Infant Toddler Sensory Profile
in the comment section and the Peabody in the rating section. --
We need to be able to use quick phrases in the comment boxes on standardized tests. Our OT's type "Typical Performance" "Probably Difference" and "Definite Difference" in these spots so we created quick phrases for them to use on the standardized however the Comment boxes are not pulling up the quick phrases. They have tried using these on the Sensory Profile, the Infant Toddler Sensory Profile
in the comment section and the Peabody in the rating section.
I want to be able to use Quick Phrases underneath customized "column" text boxes in standardized assessments. It seems only quick phrases can be used under the "notes" section.