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Created by Guest
Created on Mar 8, 2019

Mark authorization reminders

When viewing the authorization reminders, it's hard to tell the status because the reminder doesn't go away until the patient's information has been updated. It would be nice if there was a way to notate whether we still needed to take action on it, or if we were waiting for the insurance company to respond.
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  • Guest
    Jan 20, 2023
    Please make it where we can mark off the authorizations we have requested. It would be helpful to see which ones have not been b/c sometimes we need other things first to request them. I always have to back through them all to determine this and it takes up a lot of time.
  • Guest
    Nov 5, 2022
    mark authorizations as pending
  • Guest
    Jul 26, 2022
    Ability to change status or mark as "sent", "new" (for new patients who require auth), "pended", "waiting", etc. Its hard to sort through what has already been done just from the notes only tab. Either allow us to create color coded presets for our own auths so we can organize them, or create premade ones.
  • Guest
    Mar 3, 2022
    Update authorization reminders to have a status such as "waiting on clinician report" "submitted to insurance" and gives the date/time and name of who updated the status.
  • Guest
    Oct 13, 2021
    Add a comment box to the Authorization Reminders tab so when people work on getting authorization they can enter their notes into that field.
  • Guest
    Feb 24, 2021
    Please please make a way for us to mark authorizations that we have already requested. This would save so much time for all Fusion users.
  • Guest
    Oct 23, 2020
    There needs to be a checkbox or a way to highlight the auth reminders where the auth has already been requested.
  • Guest
    Oct 21, 2020
    There needs to be a way to highlight/ checkoff the authorizations that have been sent off for.
  • Guest
    May 9, 2019
    It would be helpful on the Rx and auth reminder tab to have a way to put notes such as called physician's office to request new auth or client has appointment on xx date.
  • Guest
    Mar 20, 2019
    Please add a Notes/Comment column/section on the Authorization Reminder List. This will allow administrators to track the status of patients that are marked as expired or have 0 visits remaining. Many times a patient's authorization is in process of being renewed, or the office is awaiting outstanding documents. The ability to view the status would be helpful to all and would not have to be documented outside of Fusion for tracking purposes. Pleaaaaase;-)
  • Guest
    Nov 1, 2018
    In the authorization reminders, Can there be a submitted check box, so that we can easily see a mark that it has been submitted on our end.
  • Kristin W
    Oct 24, 2018
    You should be able to mark that an authorization request has been submitted, and an icon should then display next to that Authorization reminder in the "Reminders" sidebar. Of course the reminder shouldn't disappear until the new authorization is actually received and entered, but this simple change of noting when an authorization has been submitted would eliminate the incidence of double (and triple and quadruple) checking the same authorization by multiple front desk staff. There is often a two week period between when an authorization request is submitted, and when a response is received.
  • Guest
    Sep 13, 2018
    Allow me to assign a status to an authorization from the authorization reminders page, such as Call Payer or Waiting on Response. Or, let me add a note about the status of the authorization from that page without having to go into the patient's information.