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Fusion Ideas Portal
Status Future consideration
Categories Patient
Created by Guest
Created on Jul 27, 2022

Alert me of missing billing details in patient information

I want to be alerted if required billing information, such as an address or zip code, has not been entered into a patient's information.
  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Feb 15, 2023
    Fusion should have a warning on the patient's file that pops up when clinical staff closes out the patient's file to alert you when the entered demographic information is incomplete (missing date of birth, address, phone number, state, zip, insurance ID, missing diagnosis, etc)
  • Guest
    Feb 15, 2023
    Fusion should have a warning on the patient's file that pops up when clinical staff closes out the patient's file to alert you when the entered demographic information is incomplete (missing date of birth, address, phone number, state, zip, insurance ID, missing diagnosis, etc)
  • Tracey R
    Feb 15, 2023
    There needs to be a warning box/pop up when office staff closes a patient's file if required demographic information (any part of address, phone number or diagnosis) is missing when we go to close out of a patient's file
  • Tracey R
    Jul 21, 2022
    When a patient profile is created for a patient, but certain pertinant info is missing that is required on the claim form is missing (such as zip code or state), Fusion should have a warning on the patients profile. It shouldn't keep you from saving the patient's info without it, but it would be nice if there was a warning banner on the top of the patients info.