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Report on kiosk check-in time

Allow me to run a report that will display the time parents checked-in on the kiosk so that we can keep track of who is late.
Guest about 6 years ago in Patient Portal 2 Future consideration

Report on authorizations in new Insights

Report on authorizations in new Insights, instead of having to go to legacy Insights.
Guest 12 months ago in Insights 1 Future consideration

Provide a Fusion API

Let me connect other applications to Fusion with an API.
Guest over 4 years ago in Admin 6 Future consideration

Claims- Remit Information

When we receive a payment for claims, it is necessary for us to be able to finalize claims based off on the information on the screen. The way Fusion works right now, that is impossible to do. We cannot tell if a claim has been paid in full becaus...
Ronnie W 12 months ago in Billing 0 Future consideration

Freeze therapy services

Allow me to freeze a child's therapy services and account without having to discharge them.
Guest almost 6 years ago in Patient 0 Future consideration

Navigate back to invoices tab after opening an invoice

After opening a patient's invoice, have the back button take me back to the list of invoices. Right now it takes me back to the visits tab and I have to click back into the invoices tab.
Guest over 6 years ago in Billing 2 Future consideration

Click and drag beside an appointment

On the calendar, I want the ability to click and drag beside an existing appointment so I can schedule another appointment in that same time slot.
Guest almost 3 years ago in Schedule 0 Future consideration

Receive documents and files from patients

Let me receive documents and other files from patients outside of the Intake Forms process.
Guest over 4 years ago in Patient Portal 0 Future consideration

Display only active goals within eval-type documents

When completing an evaluation type document only display the active goals with the option to include archived goals to make it easier to tell which ones are archived and which ones are active.
Guest almost 6 years ago in Docs 2 Future consideration

Pull forward patient education info from daily notes into progress notes

Allow all of the Patient Education that has been recorded in Daily Notes to pull over into the Progress Note. It would save time from having to review all these documents to report on this in the Progress Note.
Guest over 6 years ago in Docs 0 Future consideration