When viewing a completed therapy document, make the document type and service type larger (e.g. Daily Note (ST)) so it's easier for the recipient to know what document they are viewing.
about 5 years ago
in Docs
Future consideration
Anywhere in Fusion that I can click a row item (e.g. Auth Reminders, Billing Accounts, etc.), increase the contrast when I hover my mouse over the row so I can make sure I'm clicking the right one.
about 5 years ago
in Schedule
Future consideration
For clients that we see in the home, allow me to click their appointment and have a navigation software open so that I can drive to their home. It takes a lot of time to look up the address and copy and paste it.
about 5 years ago
in Schedule
Future consideration
Don't change scroll position when managing activities in the Admin tab
When working in our clinic's list of therapy activities in the Admin tab, don't revert me back to the top of the list after I've made changes to an activity.
Rhonda M
about 5 years ago
in Admin
Future consideration
Only allow admins to add physicians to a patient's information
When viewing a patient's information there is an option to add a physician to the system if they are not already there, however, only admins should be allowed to add physicians to the system.
about 5 years ago
in Patient
Future consideration