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Notes section for diagnosis

Allow me to add a note next to the diagnosis in a document so that I can classify the severity.
Guest over 6 years ago in Docs 0 Future consideration

Automatically pull forward therapy activities/exercises

Have the activities from the last session automatically pull forward onto the next daily note.
Guest over 6 years ago in Docs 2 Future consideration

Search drop-down menus using down arrow

Allow me to scroll through drop-down menus in evaluation sections and when creating goals using the down arrow on my keyboard.
Guest over 6 years ago in Docs 2 Future consideration

Don't display goal graphs on the plan of care

I like having the goal graphs on the primary document, but the big "No Data" box doesn't look good on the Plan of Care for all the new goals. I'd like to have more options around where to include which graphs.
Guest over 6 years ago in Docs 1 Future consideration

Select multiple HEP and link to a daily note

When viewing the list of HEP activities, allow me to select multiple activities and insert them in a daily note from that screen.
Guest over 6 years ago in Docs 1 Future consideration

Include take home activities history on evaluation type documents

Show a history of the Take Home Activities I have assigned to a patient given a selected time frame in progress notes and re-assessments.
Guest over 6 years ago in Docs 0 Future consideration

Fewer documentation categories

Decrease the number of tabs (i.e. not started, draft, in progress, etc.) in each documentation category (i.e. daily notes, progress notes, etc.) because I feel like some of them are redundant.
Guest over 6 years ago in Docs 1 Future consideration

Select "Days" option for Therapy Duration

I want to select "days" as an option from the Planned Intervention → Therapy Duration dropdown field in evaluation-type documents.
Guest over 3 years ago in Docs 2 Future consideration

Add option for including attachments when printing documents

Allow me the option to include attachments when printing completed documentation.
Guest over 3 years ago in Docs 1 Future consideration

Record time in/time out in military / 24 hour time conversion

Allow me to enter time in/time out on a document in military time/24 hour conversion (e.g. 0800 instead of 8:00 AM).
Guest over 3 years ago in Docs 1 Future consideration