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Alert in patient if Rx Expiration is approaching or expired

I want to see an alert when I'm viewing a patient's information if their Rx Expiration is about to expire or has expired.
Guest over 3 years ago in Patient 1 Future consideration

Invite multiple contacts to a teletherapy session

I want multiple contacts to be able to join a teletherapy session in addition to the patient. For example, the patient and a parent might be on one computer, and the other parent might be on another device.
Guest over 3 years ago in Schedule 2 Future consideration

Add dormant Filter to Appointments & Claims report

When running the Appointments & Claims report, I want the ability to include the Dormant filter so I can quickly identify claims that need follow-up from the payer.
Guest almost 3 years ago in Insights 0 Future consideration

Increase font size throughout Fusion

The font size seems to be small in many areas of Fusion. Make the font bigger so information is easier to read.
Guest over 6 years ago in Patient Portal 0 Future consideration

Keep decline reason field in-line

When I'm declining a document, don't open another dialog box for me to enter my reason for declining the document. I need to be able to view and reference certain pieces of the document to give my decline reason.
Guest over 6 years ago in Docs 1 Future consideration

Display clinic header on receipts

Allow my clinic header to be displayed on receipts so that they look more professional.
Guest over 6 years ago in Billing 0 Future consideration

Show if data point on graph has notes

When I hover over a data point on a goal graph in Patients & Goals, show if the data point has a note attached to it like in old Fusion where it read "click to see note".
Guest over 6 years ago in Docs 2 Future consideration

Let me backup my Fusion data offline

I want the ability to backup my Fusion data locally or while offline.
Guest almost 3 years ago in Account 2 Future consideration

View patient information while completing documentation

Allow me to view the patient's information while I am completing documentation in case I need to reference something.
Guest over 6 years ago in Docs 5 Future consideration

Edit field that I click into in a document

When completing a document, when I click to edit a section have my cursor be in the exact spot that I click into. For example, if I click to edit the third patient history section, have my cursor appear in the third section rather than in the first.
Guest over 5 years ago in Docs 2 Future consideration