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Status Future consideration
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Created by Guest
Created on Oct 9, 2018

List patient's last name on appointment instead of first

Allow me the option to have the patient's last name appear on the appointment block for all appointments rather than the first name.
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  • Guest
    Oct 30, 2018
    Can you make it so that we can have the kids names come up on the schedules as LAST NAME, FIRST INITIAL instead of vise versa? Since last names are the most important, that is what we call/refer to the kids by--NOT by first their names. From a more administrative/billing perspective, first names are essentially meaningless to us, if you will. It makes things very difficult when i am trying to visually skim through schedules and am only seeing a first name and last initial. This is even harder for us (and I imagine many other agencies) because we have multiple kids with the same basic first name, and the same last initial. Can you make it so there is a setting that we could make it show last names first? (i.e."Smith, J" insread of "John S.")