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Report on patient contacts with appointments

I want to report on patient contacts where the patient has an appointment within a date range.
Guest almost 4 years ago in Insights 0 Future consideration

Change margins on printed statements

Change the margins on the printed statement so that the address can be read when the statement is inserted into a business envelope.
Chelsea S over 5 years ago in Billing 1 Future consideration

Add authorization dates to progress reports

Allow me the option to include the authorization dates on progress reports so that the payer knows the progress report is for that authorization period.
Guest over 5 years ago in Docs 0 Future consideration

Make it easier to distinguish payments and credits on the patient's statement

When viewing a patient's statement from their billing account, make it easier to distinguish between the payments and the charges.
Guest almost 6 years ago in Billing 0 Future consideration

Filter by inactive therapists on Service Breakdown report

I want to filter the Service Breakdown report to include inactive therapists.
Guest almost 4 years ago in Insights 0 Future consideration

Don't add "pending finalization" when editing an invoice line

If I edit an invoice line item, don't add the 'Pending Finalization" and/or "Amount to be Added to Future Invoices" lines because that's confusing to the client.
Guest almost 6 years ago in Billing 0 Future consideration

On-screen alert for appointment changes

As a therapist, have an on-screen alert similar to the check-in notifications for any changes made to my appointments for the day (i.e cancellation, new appointment, etc.).
Guest almost 6 years ago in Schedule 2 Future consideration

Use the lower PR amount between primary & secondary adjucations

If the secondary payer identifies a higher amount for patient responsibility than the primary payer, when I finalize the claim have Fusion apply the lower amount to the patient's billing account because our state says we have to collect the lower ...
Guest almost 6 years ago in Billing 0 Future consideration

Show both user and preset colors

When viewing the calendar, show both the user colors (maybe as the background color of their column) and the preset appointment color.
Guest almost 6 years ago in Schedule 0 Future consideration

Display appointment preset on appointment block

If an appointment has a preset, show that preset on the actual appointment block. The presets are important for therapists to know and they are forgetting (or don't want to) hover over the appointment.
Guest almost 6 years ago in Schedule 0 Future consideration