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Fusion Ideas Portal


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Simplify submitting charges in a daily note

Make it easier to add and submit charges in a daily note. Right now there is a lot of clicking to edit, add minutes, save, submit, and confirm.
Guest about 6 years ago in Docs 1 Completed

Add Other Option to Visit Frequency

When entering visit frequency, allow me to select "other" from the drop-down menu that opens a text field so that I can add different options. This feature was available in old Fusion and sometimes I see patient's at a different frequency than the...
Guest over 6 years ago in Docs 4 Completed

Add physician's NPI to documentation

Allow me to include the physician's NPI on documentation because some of our payers are asking for it and it would be easier if it was automatically populated rather than manually adding it.
Guest over 5 years ago in Docs 0 Completed

Show Me The Primary Therapist of the Note I'm Co-Signing / Contributing on

No description provided
Guest over 6 years ago in Docs 0 Completed

Greater Distinction Between Goals in Daily Notes

No description provided
Guest over 6 years ago in Docs 2 Completed

Don't change scroll position when entering goal mastery

When I'm putting in criteria for goal mastery for multiple goals, after I save one goal, keep me in the same position of the goal list. After I save one goal mastery, the page refreshes and takes me back to the top of the list of goals and I have ...
Guest about 6 years ago in Docs 3 Completed

AAC Evaluation Section

I want to include an AAC evaluation template in evaluations.
Guest over 3 years ago in Docs 1 Completed

Add eval section for executive function

In the Findings or Performance Skills section of an evaluation, add a section for executive functioning.
Guest over 4 years ago in Docs 4 Completed

Add eval section for preverbal language skills

In the Findings/Performance Skills section of an evaluation, add a section for preverbal language skills.
Guest almost 3 years ago in Docs 1 Completed

Populate physician's name and credentials under signature line

Include the physician's printed name and their credentials under the line for their signature.
Tracey R about 6 years ago in Docs 0 Completed