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115 VOTE
Status Future consideration
Categories Patient
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 20, 2018

Deactivate a payer (coverage) for a patient

Allow me to deactivate a coverage, but still keep the information in Fusion. That way when a patient's coverage changes, I don't lose all that information.
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  • Shari D
    Jun 11, 2024
    When a patient changes insurance, allow us to archive the payer information, including notes and authorizations so we can still view it as we finalize claims on the old policy.
  • Tracey R
    Apr 24, 2024
    There needs to be a more in depth insurance tab for the non clinical side. When a patient has insurance changes we need to be able to archive insurance instead of deleting it. This will help billling understand changes especially if changes happen before notes are started and completed (and claims are created)
  • Tracey R
    Aug 21, 2023
    There needs to be a way to archive old payers so that information is still available for old claims but doesn't get pulled to new claims.
  • Guest
    Feb 21, 2023
    Allow for more than one insurance in Primary / secondary sections due to when insurance changes and you still have claims that may need to reference back to an older policy to follow through with the entire claim process.
  • Guest
    Jan 13, 2023
    It would be tremendously helpful if there was a way to archive an payor, when the patient has multiple payors. Often, we will receive a waiver on a primary to bill directly to a secondary (early intervention), and if there was a simple toggle or archive check box to bypass primary instead of deleting it out of the system, it would be so helpful. Thank you very much for your consideration!
  • Guest
    Dec 2, 2022
    Could there be a patient payer history log or archive? We often treat patients that have multiple changes in their insurance carriers. We need a history of payers to tie claims to.
  • Shari D
    Nov 11, 2022
    Allow us to archive terminated insurance coverage but still easily see the info (including auth history and notes) without having to copy all the information manually.
  • Jessica S
    Oct 18, 2022
    It would be great to be able to archive an insurance instead of deleting and with all of the benefits info. It would be helpful so we can go back and reference the benefits especially if they change ins frequently.
  • Guest
    Aug 2, 2022
    History of the insurance that the patient/client had. Patient changes insurances. We need an area in the patients/clients profile where we can add the old insurance, it may be primary or secondary. This will help with the billing, especially when it is an old claims. Thank you,
  • Ronnie W
    Jun 7, 2022
    This is especially important when a patient is adopted and the name and all the insurance id get changed. Currently, we have to create a new patient with the new name and new insurance id's so that we can keep the old information intact. If we could deactivate a payer, then all we would have to do is change the name of the patient. Please implement this soon!
  • Ronnie W
    Jun 6, 2022
    Please get this done ASAP.
  • Guest
    Jan 23, 2022
    Please create a way to store Payer information when the patient switches Payers. Have "Active" and "inactive" payers. In Clinic source we were able to put a date range for the Payer. We were also able to select which one is active. It is awful in FUSION when I have to refresh a claim from last year because of an error somewhere and the insurance information disappears. I then have to go to an old claim and copy the information down since the old insurance info isn't stored in the patient file.
  • Shannon S
    Sep 1, 2021
    When insurance is deleted, all previous notes need to remain.
  • Guest
    Aug 12, 2021
    Please give providers to deactivate a payor in the event the payor becomes in active for a short period of time. Currently we only have the option to delete and this causes us to lose the payer ID and authorizations from the history of prior visits/claims. We had this option when we used clinic source and it was a great tool and one that we used very often for our Infant Toddler children - less than 3 years old.
  • Guest
    Aug 11, 2021
    Can you make it so that I can Inactivate a patient's insurance instead of just delete? I want to be able to reference that information in the future and if you delete the insurance all the information disappears. Can you make it so its inactive or does not bill but keep the insurance information on file for future reference.
  • Guest
    Aug 5, 2021
    There needs to be a way to save past Insurances that have run their course right in the insurance tab. It's a mess trying to put it into Case notes and it doesn't belong there. We need to have a way to save that information to refer back to it. There should be a "Prior Insurances" category in the Patient account
  • Guest
    Jun 1, 2021
    We would like to be able to change a primary insurer without having to delete the previous insurer auth info. We have children who change from a managed care to healthy connections for a month and then back to a managed care. It would be nice to be able to silence or turn off an auth information so it doesn't go on the claim without having to delete out all the auth info which we sometimes need later.
  • Guest
    May 5, 2021
    is there a way we can make an insurance inactive in order to keep the info, instead of completely deleting the insurance and all the notes/auths from the account when they are no longer active??
  • Guest
    May 4, 2021
    Archive previous insurance information when insurance changes.
  • Guest
    Apr 6, 2021
    Saving history of insurance. Being able to archive, and not delete insurances that have expired.
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