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Fusion Ideas Portal
102 VOTE
Status Future consideration
Categories Billing
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 1, 2018

Include clinic logo on statements & invoices

Allow me to add my clinic logo as a header on statements and invoices.
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  • Guest
    Aug 10, 2019
    And if it could print-- not necessarily my fancy document header, but at least the invoice style header if I print any of the lists from the Billing Account (visits, claims... ) that would be helpful. Clients often come asking at the end of the year (or around March when FSA accounts expire) for list of all their visits and copays for the year... would be good if those reports had our information on them so they could use those.
  • Guest
    Jul 25, 2019
    Printing visits/statements/etc. should have the office info/header on it so that patients can send to insurance/FSA/HSA, etc.
  • +2