Include a date, timestamp, and the person's name when adding an appointment note. We write an appointment note if the patient cancels and we need to go back and make sure they canceled within the 24 cut-off time.
Tracey R
about 5 years ago
in Schedule
Future consideration
Include tag/identifier when multiple cards are saved for payment processing
Include some kind of identifier when using a saved card for payment processing so that I can tell which one is the credit card, debit card, or HSA card, or which card is the client's preferred card.
over 5 years ago
in Billing
Future consideration
Set "Verified" to "No" when a patient is completely discharged
When a patient is discharged from all services, I want the "Verification" field for all of their coverages reset to "No" to prevent confusion if they start services again later.
over 3 years ago
in Patient
Future consideration
When viewing the calendar, I want the ability to use more than one appointment present for an appointment.
Additionally, I want the ability to see more than one color when multiple presets are selected.
about 2 years ago
in Schedule
Future consideration