Add the patient's phone number and email to the evaluation document
Add the patient's phone number and email address to the evaluation document. If the patient gets referred out, having the phone number and email address would help our clinic and physicians in communication with those patients.
over 6 years ago
in Docs
Future consideration
View reason code description on finalized adjudications
Allow me to click on the adjustment code and continue to see the description of a specific reason code (not just the number) after an adjudication is finalized.
over 6 years ago
in Billing
Future consideration
When I apply a group, allow it to override any user filters I have already applied on my schedule. Right now, I have to clear my user filters in order to apply a group.
over 6 years ago
in Schedule
Future consideration
Preview multiple documents from documentation center
When selecting multiple documents to print from the patient's documentation center, allow me the option to preview/view the documents prior to downloading.
over 6 years ago
in Patient
Future consideration
Allow me to run a report that shows me the minimum number of clients I'm expected to see in an hour and a maximum number of clients I'm expected to see in an hour for budgeting purposes.
over 6 years ago
in Insights
Future consideration
Allow me to view at my clinic has pinned an insight report. I can't delete a report if another user has pinned the report to their dashboard and there isn't an easy way for me to see who has pinned it.
over 6 years ago
in Insights
Future consideration
In addition to being able to change the order of a patient's file, allow me to quickly move it to the top or the bottom of the list. Some of our patients have a lot of files and rearranging them can take a long time.
over 6 years ago
in Patient
Future consideration
When I schedule an appointment online with someone from the support team and I get the drop down menu for "Add to Calendar", it would be nice to have the option of adding it to my Fusion calendar.
over 6 years ago
in Schedule
Future consideration