Allow me to track and report on mileage in Fusion. We provide services at preschools and the contract we have has mileage reimbursement that we bill for.
about 6 years ago
in Insights
Future consideration
When viewing goals for a patient, allow an easier way for me to select a different patient to view goals for. Right now I have to click Patients & Goals and either search or click the patient. When reviewing everyone's goals it takes a lot of ...
about 6 years ago
in Docs
Future consideration
Pull forward notes of standardized tests from any document and any patient
Allow me to pull forward the Notes field of standardized tests from any evaluation-type document for any patient. If I've already written a summary on another document, I want to be able to pull it forward so that I don't have to type it again.
about 6 years ago
in Docs
Future consideration
Integrate with Acuity so we can set availability based on appointment types, so when that type of appointment is requested we can search for only those openings.
about 6 years ago
in Schedule
Future consideration
When a document is sent to me as a contributor, allow me to edit the document and then decline it. It's easier for the other therapist if they can read my notes/comments in-line.
over 6 years ago
in Docs
Future consideration
Allow me to open up the patient information screen for multiple patients at once. For families that have multiple kids coming to therapy, if the parent needs to cancel viewing the appointment list side by side would save time when canceling appoin...
about 6 years ago
in Patient
Future consideration
Automatically add new therapy activities to daily note
When I add a therapy activity to my clinic's repository from within a daily note, automatically add it to the daily note. I don't want to have to add it and then search for it and add it to the note.
over 6 years ago
in Docs
Future consideration