When running an insight report, allow me to compare the data to another timeframe for the same report. For example, I may want to compare appointment totals from this week to last week.
about 5 years ago
in Insights
Future consideration
When pulling forward activities on a daily note, allow me to specify the time frame I want to pull the activities from. For example, I may want to pull forward all activities that have been on daily notes since the last evaluation-type document.
about 5 years ago
in Docs
Future consideration
As a therapist, allow me to view how many units I've billed for the day and the week on the Schedule tab so that I can track how much of my caseload I've seen and calculate my pay.
over 5 years ago
in Schedule
Future consideration
Increase the amount of time I have before Fusion locks me due to inactivity. Right now we have it set to the max, but we'd like to set it for a greater amount of time.
over 5 years ago
in Admin
Future consideration
Something with Fusion has recently changed...I'm unable to open multiple tabs with Fusion open any longer. I am also not able to be logged into Fusion on different PCs at the same time. This is impacting my efficiency while documenting
almost 2 years ago
in Patient Portal
Future consideration