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Fusion Ideas Portal


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Show which user uploaded documents

Show me which user uploaded documents to either the patient's documents or the patient's files.
Guest about 6 years ago in Patient 1 Future consideration

Store medical history in patient information

Our office needs our front office to be able to input medical history information that can be uploaded to evaluation.
Guest over 6 years ago in Patient 0 Future consideration

Show waitlist information in patient chart

I want to see if a patient is on the waitlist from the patient's chart and be able to add them to the waitlist from there.
Guest 10 months ago in Patient 1 Future consideration

Generate medical record numbers

We use medical record numbers at our clinic and there isn't a way for me to see what number was last used so that I can assign the next number. Have Fusion generate the next number in the sequence.
Guest over 6 years ago in Patient 0 Future consideration

Greater visibility of alerts in patient information

We need to be able to see the patient alerts quickly from the patient's information and right now they don't stand out as much. It's easy to scroll past them.
Guest over 6 years ago in Patient 3 Future consideration

Allow international address entry

Allow me to enter an international address for a patient in the patient profile.
Guest about 3 years ago in Patient 1 Future consideration

Show all of patient's standardized tests

I want to see all of a patient's standardized tests that have been linked to their evaluations.
Guest about 3 years ago in Patient 2 Future consideration

Add severity level selection for diagnosis codes

Allow me to select an option severity level for diagnosis codes (e.g. ASD: Level 1, Level 2, Level 3).
Guest about 3 years ago in Patient 1 Future consideration

Indicate referrals/authorizations in verification section

Let me indicate if things like referrals or authorizations are needed in the Verifications section of the patient's coverages.
Guest about 4 years ago in Patient 0 Future consideration

Add IEP expiration date to patient's information

Under the Therapy tab of the patient's profile, add a field where we could notate the IEP expiration date. This date is often different than the Rx expiration date and we'd like to record this in Fusion.
Guest over 5 years ago in Patient 1 Future consideration