Enter and submit charges for multiple notes at once
Allow me to enter charges and submit them for multiple notes at once. I have to have all my charges submitted by the end of the day and it's tedious to have to open each note individually.
over 5 years ago
in Docs
Future consideration
Simplify entering the goal target when creating goals
When creating a goal, don't make me type the goal target in two places. If I enter the target in my goal I still have to fill out the drop-down fields.
almost 6 years ago
in Docs
Future consideration
Allow me to edit a document and make minor changes without losing the goal information that was saved at the time. If we've since archived the goals, they disappear from the document.
almost 6 years ago
in Docs
Future consideration
When sending a document either by fax or email, make the "Message" font larger on the recipients end because our physicians are having a hard time reading our messages.
almost 6 years ago
in Docs
Future consideration
Have Fusion calculate the average percentages for all the short-term goals so that I know what the data point for the long-term goal is. It's tedious to calculate this by hand and it would save time if Fusion did this for me.
almost 6 years ago
in Docs
Future consideration