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Report on patient attendance by therapist

Allow me to run a report to view patient attendance grouped by therapist and patient that includes the number and percent of sessions present, canceled, and no-showed.
Guest over 6 years ago in Insights 1 Future consideration

Indicate PHI communication preferences for contacts

In the patient's information, allow me to indicate how the caregiver wants to receive appointment or treatment information that may include PHI (e.g. text, voicemail, etc.).
Guest over 5 years ago in Patient 1 Future consideration

Pre-made intake forms and agreements

Provide me with pre-made intake forms and agreements that I can send to my new clients.
Guest over 4 years ago in Admin 1 Future consideration

Add clinic role for documenter/aide

Allow me to add a role to my clinic for a user to assist therapists in documenting their daily notes and evaluations and also entering goal data. We have someone that types up the evaluation reports or enters goal data, but we don't want their nam...
Guest over 6 years ago in Docs 0 Future consideration

Specify a contact for billing

I want to specify which contact handles billing so I send things like their invoice to the right contact.
Guest over 3 years ago in Patient 1 Future consideration

Embed attachments into body of documentation

Allow me to upload a document into the body of the document I am working on in Fusion. Sometimes I want to include other documents in the body of my report rather than just uploading it as an attachment.
Guest over 6 years ago in Docs 1 Future consideration

View entire HEP history from daily note

Allow me to view all of the HEP given to a client from their daily note. I want to be able to remember what I have given them previously without having to attach the same activity to every note.
Guest over 6 years ago in Docs 0 Future consideration

Add referral checklist section to evaluation documents

Add a section in evaluation-type documents for referrals so that I can quickly check-off my referral recommendations for a patient (e.g. ENT, Neurologist, etc.).
Guest over 6 years ago in Docs 1 Future consideration

Therapist report for units billed

Allow therapists to run a report that displays the patient name, the number of units, time in/out, and date billed for a specific time period so that they can double check their own billing and make corrections as needed.
Guest over 6 years ago in Docs 4 Future consideration

Show days until expired for authorizations

Show me how many days until the authorization is due, or how many days it is overdue.
Guest over 6 years ago in Schedule 0 Future consideration