Allow me to run a report that will show when the document was actually signed by the therapist. I want to compare the date they selected as the signed date and when they actually clicked the button to "sign" the document so I can have more insight...
Add an option to include the diagnosis code(s) in the charges report. I ran the Codes Units and Charges by Appointment report in old Fusion and the diagnosis code was available.
Display therapist totals when recreating Codes Units and Charges report
Allow me to run a report that displays the number of claims, units, and charges submitted per therapist for a specific time period with the totals of each therapist provided.
Lump and sum payments by date for payer payments insight
When running the Payer Payments by Date report in old Fusion (from the Admin tab), each payer was listed one time with the total payments for that payer rather than listing the payer and payer amounts multiple times. Have the report format the sam...