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Categories Patient
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 18, 2018

Copy address to guarantor

Have the patient's or parent's address automatically populate as the guarantor's address, or allow me the option to copy it over so that I don't have to type it twice.
    Aug 24, 2024
    This update needs some background information for context: When a guarantor's Relationship is "Self", Fusion is already using the patient's and primary contact's information for that guarantor (such as on claims)—it just looked like you needed to add the information again because the fields were blank in the guarantor's information. We've enhanced the Guarantor section to clarify what information actually gets used when Relationship is “Self”! Fusion will now lock those fields and show what information from the patient or primary contact will be used. Check out our release notes for more information:
  • Attach files
  • Guest
    May 31, 2022
    Under "1st payer(s)" section (in patient's digital chart) - it should give a drop down option to auto fill the address if it's the same as the patient's.
  • Guest
    Jan 8, 2021
    Hi, We keep forgetting to ask you this ... Is there anyway to "pull down" addresses when entering new patient info? For example, the Guarantor address and phone number is usually the parent that was already entered in "contact" info. This would be a great time saving feature! Thank you, Stacey Keith
  • Guest
    Feb 6, 2020
    Please have a box that we could check, that would merge contact information into responsible party information. Since most contact information is the same person that is responsible, this would save us a lot of time typing the information into Fusion twice.
  • Guest
    Dec 30, 2019
    Adding a Guarantor to a Patients file is most often their parent/guardian information. Please create a "button" that allows the guarantor field to be populated from the parent/guardian already listed.
  • Guest
    Jan 21, 2019
    When entering patient data for new patients it would be nice if you had a "copy from patient" option when entering the guarantor since most of the time the info is the same. It would prevent from having to enter the same info twice and save time.