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Categories Patient
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 1, 2018

Add Filters to Appointments List

Allow me to filter the appointments list by service type, appointment type, or appointment status.
    Aug 24, 2024
    We’ve made a few changes in Fusion based on the feedback you sent us about adding filters to the appointments list. You can now filter by service type and appointment type. When you have a chance, switch over to the update to check it out!
  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Oct 25, 2018
    Is there a way/would it be possible to filter the attendance section by discipline (OT, PT, speech, etc.) as well as by date range for ease of counting attended sessions and cancels for documentation? Thanks!
  • Guest
    Oct 19, 2018
    It would be great when searching appointments (from pt. info) if you could filter it by discipline. We use this feature to count attended vs. cx'd session when writing progress notes and it would be much easier to be able to see only your discipline's visits, as opposed to all disciplines.
  • Guest
    Oct 11, 2018
    Add ability to sort / filter list of appointments by discipline.
  • Theresa J
    Oct 10, 2018
    On the appointment screen is there a way to add a search button to be able to show only one discipline. When obtaining authorizations we have to let them know how many visits they came in for each discipline for a certain date range. The way it is now we have to scroll down and count each ST or OT or PT and makes it hard to do at times when there are a few. We end up having to do it 2 or 3 times in order to be sure the count is correct. Thanks!!!!!!!
  • Guest
    Oct 9, 2018
    It would be helpful to be able to filter appointments based on the service. Such as show only OT visits or ST visits.
  • Guest
    Oct 3, 2018
    Ability to sort attendance by discipline, so that when we write notes, we don't have to sift through all appointments to calculate attendance, particularly for kids who are seen by multiple disciplines. Or even better, if it provided a count, where you are able to set the dates of the reporting period and it showed you that patient attended x sessions of x scheduled sessions, no showed x, and cancelled x.