Make the appointments on the calendar prior to today dim in color like it was in old Fusion. This visual made viewing the schedule easier and helped me to see what day it was.
I am slowly trying out the new version and getting used to it. One small feature I liked in the old fusion and don't see in the new one is on the schedule, where the appointments that have already taken place appeared in faded color, to differentiate from appointments that haven't taken place yet. It was a quick and easy way for me to see where I am in my schedule.
Visual it was easier to view the schedule when the sessions were grayed out when they were over and the dotted like is harder to see then the bold red line that was in the old fusion.
This is such a minor thing, but I liked the layout in the old version of Fusion where the colors of the appointments changed as the day progressed. It helped me organize my "to do" list a little better in my head!