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Status Future consideration
Categories Docs
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 9, 2018

Jump to added evaluation sections

Let me quickly jump to a specific evaluation section I've added to the document so I don't have to scroll through them to find it.
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  • Guest
    Feb 11, 2021
    When writing an evaluation report, it would be tremendously helpful to be able to navigate to sections within categories via the sidebar (such as going to the Expressive Language subheading under the Findings).
  • Guest
    Jan 7, 2021
    It would be helpful for writing evaluations if under the FINDINGS section, the chosen sections also appeared on the left hand side navigation, in order to more efficiently move between the sections instead of scrolling.
  • Guest
    Apr 1, 2019
    Would like to see a way to jump to sections within the performance skills (the the old version's drop-down box) of an evaluation.
  • Anesha F
    Feb 2, 2019
    When in the "Findings" section of the assessment, there needs to be a way to click and get to a section of the "findings" that you are working on. Pages and pages of scrolling is becomes tiresome when going back and forth between sections.
  • Guest
    Dec 27, 2018
    when writing a report in the new Fusion, it is challenging you cannot jump to different sections such as oral motor, voice, fluency, etc. like you could in the old fusion. You have to scroll through it all
  • Guest
    Nov 25, 2018
    Would it be possible to click (jump to) certain areas of the assessments again like in the previous version (especially in performance skills and areas of occupation.) I often have notes that I want to make in different areas of the assessment even though they are not related specifically and find it difficult to scroll through all of the areas to find the one in which I want to comment.
  • Guest
    Oct 18, 2018
    Is there a way to be able to go to specific sections of reports? In the previous version of Fusion, there was a drop down to be able to jump to certain sections, I do not see that in this version. That was super helpful to have when writing reports as parents do not tend to think linearly and I need to be able to access different sections quickly to make notes in the appropriate places. Thanks!