On the goals for tracking data, it is still a lot of steps. I LOVE being able to track my data as that makes everything easier but it takes a significant amount of time to set up the goals. Once suggestion I have (not sure if its possible) is to make an administrative setting to where your clinic can set your goals to automatically track and you can set up how you automatically want the goals to be tracked across the board. For example, the majority of therapists in our clinic track goals based upon the client meeting them 3 treatment days in a row. So if there was an administrative feature that allows your clinic to select automatic tracking for short and/or long term goals based upon the goals being met after 3 treatment days in a row then that would be one less step we would all have to set up. I would still like the option to be able to change it within the goal area but would LOVE to not have to do this step for every single goal because it takes too long.