Our inboxes are being cluttered with these notifications and there should be a way to opt out. This effects my team's efficiency and now that we are growing and have more Admin, it is effecting more people. Please consider this easy fix.
It would be very helpful to have the ability to set a notification workflow for the "Messages" so that every employee does not receive every single notification of each "Daily Note Revised".
I see this current setup as overwhelming employees (including my own) inboxes and potentially leading to missed correspondences that get lost within the unnecessary default notifications.
I have admin privileges with my organization. Any time a therapist makes a billing adjustment to bill more than one CPT code or bypass charges for the session, the admin therapists get a Fusion mail.
It would be REALLY great if there were an opt out/unsubscribe option for this. As an admin therapist, I don't need to know this information, but my clinical director or financial director would need to know this information.