If I email, fax, or mail an invoice to a patient, allow me to add a record of when it was sent so that I don't have to go through the fax/email history.
It would be so nice to be able to pull a patients chart up and see when invoices were emailed to them instead of searching through communication history.
As we are contacting patient families for payment toward delinquent invoices, we need to have all of our attempts at contact to be documented in their records in case we ever send them to collections. It would be super helpful if Fusion could automatically add a billing not each time an invoice is sent. Is that something you think the system could be capable of?
Have the ability to click on a patient's account and see a complete history of invoices that have been previously emailed, viewed, etc... just like you would on the fax usage page.
Can we please have the ability to click on a patient's billing account and it will show you the history of invoices sent, viewed etc? Similar to how it shows up on fax usage report but linked directly to a client's account.
Want system to capture history for invoices.
Example... Either in a footer or in a "Notes" field for a given invoice, I would love Fusion to add a line saying "Emailed to ** on ##/##/##" or "Faxed to ** on ##/##/##" to give an audit trail of the attempts to reach the family