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Fusion Ideas Portal
Status Future consideration
Categories Docs
Created by Guest
Created on Jan 3, 2019

Change spacing in documentation

Allow me to change the spacing between lines of text on Documentation so that more information can fit onto a page.
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  • Guest
    May 26, 2021
    Condense the format of all daily docs and all evals. There's too much wasted space. Please contact me at if you would like to hear my suggestions.
  • Guest
    May 4, 2021
    I'd like to see Fusion reduce the excessive waste of space it incorporates into all docs. I think that would be helpful for those of us who do not utilize the fax feature and must continue to print docs but also for those who do use the fax feature as you're being charged per page and 9/10 times the last page is just a signature line. It feels like this has to be considered if any of us are going to view this platform a benefit to our businesses rather than a platform that we have to micromanage to ensure we stay within our monthly budgets. The extra fees, in general, should be reconsidered and thought should be given to flat rates so that businesses can plan financially.
  • Rhonda M
    Dec 13, 2019
    Get rid of the double spacing on the reports. It wastes paper.
  • Guest
    Oct 7, 2019
    Spacing for reports. Too many pages. Please consider changing the overall format to condense and have more information on one page. A PT evaluation that is 6 pages can be reduced to 3 pages. This is particularly helpful when faxing and paying per page. Thank you for considering this suggestion.
  • Guest
    Feb 9, 2019
    Make overall spacing on documentation more concise without us having to convert documents to Word to do so. A daily note should easily fit on one page even if therapeutic activities are individually listed and goals commented on. Currently daily notes average 2-4 pages which is $ to fax to insurance companies .