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Fusion Ideas Portal
Status Future consideration
Categories Billing
Created by Guest
Created on Jan 3, 2019

View claim notes from claim list

When viewing claims from the claim list, it takes extra clicks to get to the claim notes. Let me view the claim notes directly from the claim list.
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  • Bonita K
    Feb 7, 2023
    Make the NOTE visible from the "Not Paid" claims list. ( like the square icon on the waitlist). That way you can see, from the main screen, what the problem is and how recently it has been addressed without having to open the claim 1st
  • Tracey R
    Nov 3, 2021
    The "Claim List" under the billing tab should have a header for Notes. Currently it only shows Claim number, instance, date, service, patient, payer and status. If I have asked someone to do something for a claim it would be helpful if this list showed notes so I could hover over it and see if someone is already working on something for this claim without having to actually click into it.
  • Guest
    Jan 8, 2020
    Also... When looking at claims in a Billing Account, I would like something to visibly indicate if a claim has a note attached to it. (It would be even better if the note would pop up if you hover over the indicator). This would help to see that someone has already looked at the claim and is aware of a potential issue that needs to be addressed.
  • Guest
    Aug 20, 2019
    In the list of Not Paid claims, I would like to either be able to move them to Being Investigated or at least put a note that is visible from the list screen to show that I've already looked into it and am awaiting further information. Since there are several of us working through the list, it would be nice to know without clicking into the claim to read the Notes that it's already being taken care of. Thanks!