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Created by Guest
Created on Mar 2, 2019

Auto-expand all text fields in documentation

Have all text fields in documentation auto-expand so that I don't have to scroll to view all of the information that I have typed.
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  • Guest
    Dec 22, 2021
    Allow for viewing of entire text box when typing into various sections of the evaluation. I am able to view everything listed in daily SOAP notes in the Objective section (to the right of reps, sets), eval Summar, etc. When typing into areas, such as Motor Performance: Gross Motor Activities, I am only able to view a small area while typing (only able to view entirety of Note after clicking out of section). This is extremely time consuming to have to scroll through the entire Note to change/update rather than only clicking where it needs to be changed.
  • Guest
    Nov 5, 2021
    This continues to be a major concern of our clinics. Certain boxes in Evaluation are tiny and they do not expand when we are typing. For example, a Summary box could have 14+ sentences, yet, we can only visibly see 1/2 of a sentence. We are currently having to have a separate Word Doc open, type up what we want to say in it and then copy and paste it in the tiny box. *This is a work-around, however, it is not acceptable that Fusion is telling us to do this and it is taking DOUBLE the amount of time to complete a report. Further, if we need to go back to make an edit to one of these paragraphs, we have to 'letter by letter' highlight the entire paragraph since we can't see it to make a change to a sentence, and then delete it and copy / paste the new paragraph from our word doc. I don't understand why this can't be fixed in evaluations, as certain sections in the evaluations are okay and expand and all of the SOAP note boxes expand for us to see whole paragraphs.
  • Guest
    Nov 5, 2021
    In Evaluations, certain boxes are tiny and they do not expand when we are typing. For example, a Summary box could have 14 sentences, yet, we can only visibly see 1/2 of a sentence. Per Fusions reported work-around to this problem, we are currently having to have a separate Word Doc open, type up what we want to say in it and then copy and paste it in the tiny box. *This is a work-around, however, it is not acceptable that Fusion is telling us to do this and it is taking DOUBLE the amount of time to complete a report. Further, if we need to go back to make an edit to one of these paragraphs, we have to 'letter by letter' highlight the entire paragraph since we can't see it to make a change to a sentence, and then delete it and copy / paste the new paragraph from our word doc. I don't understand why this can't be fixed in Evaluations, as certain sections in the Evaluations are okay and expand and all of the SOAP note boxes expand for us to see whole paragraphs. Having all boxes expand to allow for multiple sentences to be visible in an Evaluation is not only essential for efficiency to see what we are writing / what has been written, but also for accuracy of data.
  • Guest
    Nov 5, 2021
    My clinic has been making this suggestion for the past 2 years and this Fusion glitch is causing us to take double the amount of time to complete our evaluations, which is extremely costly for our clinic. Certain boxes are tiny and they do not expand when we are typing. For example, a Summary box could have 14 sentences, yet, we can only visibly see 1/2 of a sentence. We are currently having to have a separate Word Doc open, type up what we want to say in it and then copy and paste it in the tiny box. *This is a work-around, however, it is not acceptable that Fusion is telling us to do this and it is taking DOUBLE the amount of time to complete a report. Further, if we need to go back to make an edit to one of these paragraphs, we have to 'letter by letter' highlight the entire paragraph since we can't see it to make a change to a sentence, and then delete it and copy / paste the new paragraph from our word doc. I don't understand why this can't be fixed in evaluations, as certain sections in the evaluations are okay and expand and all of the SOAP note boxes expand for us to see whole paragraphs. To date, I have had over 15 therapists complaining about this and we aren't sure what else to do!
  • Guest
    Sep 21, 2021
    Please do this for all sections. It's difficult to read and edit when you have to scroll forever to the right to read.
  • Guest
    Sep 17, 2021
    Please modify the comment box (on the right hand side) within the re-evals, to show all words during editing. The boxes are too small and we have to scroll to the right in order to see all words, and it does not allow you to see all the wording at the same time. You can only see all the wording when you click save and are out of the editing mode.
  • Guest
    Jul 19, 2021
    In evaluations, we need to be able to view our entire written space. The box needs to be enlargable like in daily notes. Not being able to edit and see the whole leaves me taking more time than necessary in documenting.
  • Guest
    May 18, 2021
    In the "notes section" it would be nice if the box expanded as you typed. Right now it stays the same size so you cant see what you're typing as it goes.
  • Guest
    Sep 2, 2019
    in the motor performance sections (fine motor, gross motor) it would be helpful if instead of one long continuous box to type in it was more of a paragraph box that expanded so that you can see what you type, like in the behavior sections. This would make it much easier, especially in re-evaluations, to see what you wrote and make edits as sometimes only part of what was previously written has changed.
  • Guest
    Aug 19, 2019
    Editing text boxes, for example, under ADL in a reassessment, is tedious if there is a substantial amount of text in the box. In editing mode, there is only a very small amount of text visible at any time. It would be more user friendly if I could see the full text box when editing.
  • Guest
    Jul 8, 2019
    In the evaluations the heading for each section takes up half the screen and the box we get to write in maybe shows three sentences. If this could be reformatted so the labels are over the on the left and much smaller and increase the field size to write in for the evaluation. I have to type many sections into word and copy and paste them because the field is so small it's frustrating because i can't look back and what i've already written.
  • Guest
    Jan 7, 2019
    Would be nice to have the DESCRIPTION boxes under sections in evaluations & progress notes (i.e. Posture) be able to view all text typed versus having to scroll left to right to see all text typed.
  • Guest
    Dec 13, 2018
    New sections in Feeding/Dysphagia: Feeding History have comments boxes for Age Introduced/Duration and Difficulties/Notes. This is another section that would be helpful to have expanding boxes. I believe there are other comments boxes within the new feeding sections which don't expand, but would help if they do.
  • Guest
    Dec 11, 2018
    Many of the evaluation sections have "Notes" fields or other free-text boxes/fields and it would be helpful if these auto-expanded so that I can see more of what I'm typing.
  • Guest
    Oct 17, 2018
    When editing fields in documentation, make the text boxes wider and larger so I have more room to type. Or have them auto-expand like other fields.