Hi, would it be possible to add additional criteria for goals? for example, I would like to do a goal that is 2/2 incidences and 80% for it to be considered achieved, but unfortunately, right now, I only have an option of 1 criteria for a goal created. thank you.
We need more options for goal writing with the ability to create various criteria for mastery.
Would you update the criteria for goals to include some/all of the following:
1. -- will (expand receptive lexicon) by 10 (new words) through (identification of object/picture activities), each word/pictured object being identified with 90% accuracy by the end of this tx plan. In notes, there should be a way of keeping track of how many words have been learned thus far.
2. -- will be able to --- with 90% accuracy for at least 3 treatment sessions. In notes, there should be a way of keeping track of how many sessions the accuracy has been achieved.
3. -- will (improve functional play/turn taking maintaining attention to/waiting for his/her turn) in at least 3 of 5 trials for no less than # different toys as evidenced in # treatment sessions by the end of this treatment plan. In notes, there should be a way to document if 3 of 5 trials were achieved, which/how many toys/objects the trials were achieved, and the advancing # for treatment sessions.