Allow data in “goal notes” in an assessment/progress note to also be listed in the goal data entry notes that show up in patients goals tab & daily notes. Even if this info can’t pull FROM a daily note, PLEASE at least allow this goal info to not have to be cut and pasted from notes on my assessment form goal section to the goal data entry notes for every goal!!! I want my doctors and insurance companies to be able to see more specific comments than just a data point on my goal chart, but have to then duplicate all data individually yet again under notes! Even better if can pull forward from daily notes!! This is counterproductive and a waste of valuable time.
can you please add a feature to copy/paste the comments/notes beside each goal performance to the assessment section; maybe just a check box that does it when you save the goal performance section? It would make not writing so much faster because we put a lot of details in the performance section... copying and pasting each goal performance takes a lot of time!!!! Thanks!
Allow data in “goal notes” in an assessment/progress note to also be listed in the goal data entry notes that show up in patients goals tab & daily notes. Even if this info can’t pull FROM a daily note, PLEASE at least allow this goal info to not have to be cut and pasted from notes on my assessment form goal section to the goal data entry notes for every goal!!! I want my doctors to be able to see more specific comments than just a data point on my goal chart, but have to then duplicate all data individually yet again under notes! Even better if can pull forward from daily notes!!
For the discharge summary: it would be nice if we could pull forward the documentation (of status toward meeting goals) from our last visit note since it is the most up to date information.
It would be extremely helpful if the "pull forward" section had the option to pull forward from recent daily notes (when writing progress notes) instead of only pulling forward from previous progress note (as data has changed in past 3 months). Thank you!
Allow me to pull forward all the goal notes from my daily notes for a given time frame onto the evaluation-type document (re-assessment, progress note, discharge).