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Fusion Ideas Portal
Status Future consideration
Categories Billing
Created by Guest
Created on Aug 23, 2021

More easily identify recoupment of overpayment

When a payer recoups money for a claim they previously overpaid, I want to be able to tell which claim it's for and more easily track it in Fusion.
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  • Guest
    Dec 14, 2022
    This is vital to understanding why a claim was retracted, in fact, if a payer retracts due to other insurance, the entity or rather facility would need that info, most insurances state why they are retracting money ie; secondary payer, termination of payer, audit, etc.
  • Pam Z
    Aug 15, 2021
    Overpayment Recovery. Please create a way to list the name of the claim that is being recouped. The recoupment reports are horrible and very difficult for us to track. What electronic information does the payer send to Fusion? Is it only the Payer's claim ID? Why can't Fusion create a way to input that claim ID so we can actually find the claim. This has been years of frustration for us. It's a tracking nightmare.