Change format of Other Assessments evaluation section
I want the "Other Assessments" evaluation section formatting changed from a table back to the originally separated components format (ex: text field for "Title" and text area for "Notes/Observations").
I like the changes to the "other assessment" section where you can add more boxes.
However I wish the layout was still the old way with the title on top and the info underneath vs the grid format. I feel like the grid is harder to read and the title column takes up so much space.
I personally prefer using open boxes vs all the pre-sets, so I liked having that option.
The "Other Assessments" section under evaluations is worse now. It used look great in the final drafts of evaluation reports, but now it generate an ugly table, with dead space on the left side of the screen under "Title." Entering info is now worse as well, since the text box is smaller and more clunky. Please reverse whatever update has been done to "Other Assessments," it was so much better before.