Show specific documents per patient on the patient portal
I want the ability show or hide certain document types per patient on the portal. This would give me the ability to allow some patients access to all completed documents while others may be limited to visibility of certain document types (e.g., pr...
over 2 years ago
in Patient Portal
Future consideration
When parents or caregivers view the list of upcoming appointment(s) on the patient portal, I want them to see the scheduled session duration (ex: 30 minutes, 60 minutes, etc.) so they know the length of the appointment.
over 2 years ago
in Patient Portal
Future consideration
Show which caregivers have successfully logged in to the portal
Allow me to view which patients/caregivers have successfully set-up their account and logged in to the portal as a way to make sure the invitation we sent was successfully received.
almost 6 years ago
in Patient Portal
Future consideration
Allow parents/caregivers to view a list of all patient appointments on the patient portal regardless of status (e.g. checked in, no show, canceled, etc.).
almost 3 years ago
in Patient Portal
Future consideration