Indicate if a patient is receiving rehabilitative or habilitative services
Allow me to indicate if a patient is receiving rehabilitative or habilitative services at our clinic. Some payers require different modifiers for different services and it would be easier if we could just look this up in the patient's information.
over 5 years ago
in Patient
Future consideration
Allow me to add reminders to a patient's information. When that reminder is triggered, have Fusion notify me in my messages or as a pop-up on my screen.
over 5 years ago
in Patient
Future consideration
View All from the bottom of files, case notes, etc.
When there are more than 10 files, case notes, etc. on a patient, let me click a View All button at the bottom or make the footer (indicating there are more files) clickable.
about 4 years ago
in Patient
Future consideration
Allow me to add files to a patient's information in the authorization section. Sometimes we want to view what we've sent, but we don't want to have to dig through all the other files.
over 5 years ago
in Patient
Future consideration