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Fusion Ideas Portal


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Don't allow therapists to delete case notes

Don't allow therapists to delete case notes. Only allow admins to delete case notes so that a therapist doesn't accidentally delete important information.
Guest over 6 years ago in Patient 0 Future consideration

Show number of pages sent on fax coversheet

I want to show the number of pages that are being sent on the fax coversheet.
Guest over 3 years ago in Patient 1 Future consideration

Download or Print Patient Notes

We would like the ability to download or print items from the Notes section of the patient chart.
Guest 9 months ago in Patient 0 Future consideration

Indicate repeating appointment in list of patient's appointments

When viewing a patient's list of appointments, I want to know if an appointment is recurring without having to edit it.
Tracey R 9 months ago in Patient 1 Future consideration

Download multiple files at once

Allow me to download multiple files from the patient's information instead of downloading them individually.
Guest about 5 years ago in Patient 0 Future consideration

Click file name to open

For files that are uploaded to the patient's information, clicking the file name will prompt me to change the file name. In old Fusion, clicking the file name downloaded the document. Change it so when I click the file name, it downloads the docum...
Guest about 6 years ago in Patient 0 Future consideration

Hide fields on patients

I want to hide certain fields within a patient profile so I don't see fields that I do not use.
Guest about 3 years ago in Patient 1 Future consideration

Show which user uploaded documents

Show me which user uploaded documents to either the patient's documents or the patient's files.
Guest over 6 years ago in Patient 1 Future consideration

Automatically track remaining deductible, out of pocket, and monetary max

I want the remaining Deductible, Out of Pocket, and Monetary Max values for a patient to automatically update.
Guest almost 4 years ago in Patient 0 Future consideration

Store medical history in patient information

Our office needs our front office to be able to input medical history information that can be uploaded to evaluation.
Guest over 6 years ago in Patient 0 Future consideration