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View appointment details when signing a document

As a co-signer, allow me to view the appointment details (primary therapist, date of service, patient name) when signing off on a document.
Guest almost 6 years ago in Docs 0 Future consideration

Don't display evaluations or re-assessments for assistants

As an assistant, don't display Evaluations or Re-Assessments from the schedule or docs tab. I don't complete these types of documents and don't need to see them from the left sidebar.
Guest almost 6 years ago in Docs 0 Future consideration

Default STG visibility to the same as the LTG

When editing the goal visibility on an evaluation-type document, if I set the visibility for a long-term goal have the accompanying short-term goals automatically change to the same visibility.
Guest almost 6 years ago in Docs 0 Future consideration

Identify group vs individual treatment in document and appointment list

When viewing the list of a patient's appointments or completed documents, show me if the appointment/document was a group session (multi-patient appointment). We need to document how many individual and group sessions a patient attended.
Guest almost 6 years ago in Docs 0 Future consideration

Set default Outcome Measures

Allow me to set Outcomes Measures that appear by default in a document, similar to how I can set defaults for Patient History.
Guest almost 6 years ago in Docs 0 Future consideration

Arrange goals by oldest to newest start date on completed documents

On the final document, have the goals be in order by start date so the oldest goals are displayed first in the list.
Guest almost 6 years ago in Docs 0 Future consideration

Hide the start of care date on the POC

Allow me to hide the start of care date on our plans of care because technically our POC effective date is the date that the MD signs it, not the date the therapist signs it.
Guest almost 6 years ago in Docs 0 Future consideration

Change goal data type from mastery settings

When setting advanced mastery for a goal, if I change the data type in the mastery settings have that apply to the actual goal itself.
Guest almost 6 years ago in Docs 0 Future consideration

Change font type in documentation

Change the font type in documentation because it's difficult to read when printed and the information gets distorted when faxed.
Guest almost 6 years ago in Docs 0 Future consideration

Armenian translation of HEP

Provide an Armenian translation of HEP documents that are available in Fusion.
Guest almost 6 years ago in Docs 0 Future consideration