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Fusion Ideas Portal


Showing 369 of 2316

Display clinic address on receipt

Display the clinic's address at the top of the payment receipt because some parents are saying they need that information for reimbursement.
Guest almost 6 years ago in Billing 0 Future consideration

High balance alerts

When viewing the list of billing accounts, show me which accounts have exceeded a certain balance limit that I have set.
Guest about 6 years ago in Billing 0 Future consideration

Assign a status to remittances

Let me assign a status to a received remittance.
Lisa B over 4 years ago in Billing 2 Future consideration

View electronic claim information that isn't on the claim form

For electronic claims, show me the information that is sent behind the scenes (in the 837 file) that doesn't appear on the claim form so I know what is missing or that the claim might need to be refreshed.
Guest over 4 years ago in Billing 0 Future consideration

Show payment amount in Claim History

When an ERA is added to a claim, show the payment amount in the claim history, so I can see all the relevant information for the claim in one place.
Guest over 4 years ago in Billing 0 Future consideration

Link Fusion with accounting software

Allow me an easy way to transfer raw data in Fusion to my accounting software.
Guest about 6 years ago in Billing 0 Future consideration

Sort invoice line items

Allow me to sort the invoice line items by patient name instead of date of service. We create invoices that include multiple patients and it would be easier if it was grouped by name.
Guest over 6 years ago in Billing 0 Future consideration

Type in dates with a two-digit year

Let me type in dates as MM/DD/YY instead of MM/DD/YYYY so I can more quickly fill in the information.
Tracey R over 4 years ago in Billing 0 Future consideration

If payer changes automatically update all claims

If I change the payer information in a patient's information, automatically update all of the claims to the new payer.
Guest over 6 years ago in Billing 1 Future consideration

Show how long a claim has been locked

I want to know how long a claim has been locked.
Guest about 3 years ago in Billing 1 Future consideration