When viewing the list of reminders from the Schedule tab → Task Manager, I want to see the total number for each type of reminder. Currently, "99+" displays when the number of reminders is greater than 99.
over 2 years ago
in Schedule
Future consideration
Don't let admins create goals for other service types
I don't want to be able to create goals for other service types because if I accidentally add a goal for a different service type, I can't edit it since I am not associated with that service.
over 1 year ago
in Docs
Future consideration
Allow me to resend the welcome email that people receive when I invite them to the portal. If they didn't receive the welcome email, I can only send them an email to reset their password, I can't resend the welcome email.
over 5 years ago
in Patient
Future consideration
Allow me to download/print the receipt for a copay payment made after the transaction. If a patient requests another copy of it at a later time, there is no way for us to access/print it.
about 6 years ago
in Schedule
Future consideration
Include a date, timestamp, and the person's name when adding an appointment note. We write an appointment note if the patient cancels and we need to go back and make sure they canceled within the 24 cut-off time.
Tracey R
about 5 years ago
in Schedule
Future consideration