Let me set up locations in different time zones so the calendar and appointment reminders are accurate based on where each of our locations are located.
over 4 years ago
in Schedule
Future consideration
When running the Patients insight report and sorting by birthdate, sort the birthdates by month because we like to send a card during their birth month.
almost 6 years ago
in Insights
Future consideration
Other options for the "Teletherapy" field in an appointment
When adding an appointment, let me select something other than Fusion's teletherapy or "in-person" in the Teletherapy field so it's not confusing when the appointment will use another remote session service.
over 4 years ago
in Schedule
Future consideration
As an admin, let me add notes to a user's profile to keep track of additional information about that user. For example, I could note which payers this user is credentialed with.
Tracey R
over 4 years ago
in Admin
Future consideration